Monday, February 5, 2007

We got a space!

Last night we met Ed, our new landlord at the real live building that is now BCHQ. He's a great guy with a good sense of humor who really supports what we are doing and is willing to work with us to make it happen. woo hoo!
The space is pretty amazing. It has high ceilings with crazy old school wood work; its got a bathroom and a backdoor and some zebra striped wall paper, and that’s about all we need.
We've got two weeks to fix it up in Feb, and we should be open by the first of March.
We're going to plan a huge grand opening with an art show about Durham, some great local bands, and some good grubbin’. Stay tuned and make sure to let us know if you want to help out with fixing the place up, or especially with your spare change. Oh, and does anybody have any hook lights?

Woo hoo!

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